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  • Courtney was surprisingly available to converse briefly with me some months ago on email. I enjoy his discussing the “old days” in the video msg – his English is (to a Yankee ruffian) gorgeous to my ears. Apparently there"s a 4-legged friend in his presence and I know their manners are not necessarily Emily Post. “White House”, to me, is an ancestral family home outside Londonderry, which 10 years ago I had the privelege to visit and photograph. The family’s name (on my mother’s side) is “Hanna”. I don’t know.the full history of it, but I think the shifting economic conditions forced them to sell it. An uncle last owned it, and he was a professor in Southhampton at the university. I sent modern color photos of it to my mother on her final Mothers’ Day., and also to this uncle. Both she and my uncle are now deceased, but she had an old black&white framed photo of it on the living room wall where company could view it, and when asked about it, Mom would explain what it was, and she hoped to visit it with my father, but her health deteriorated. Anyway, hopefully I was able to fulfill her wish anyway by bringing to her in a way, even though she was in no condition to travel. Your video message triggered that thought in me. How relevant the regional “troubles” were to its fate I don’t know. The family is Protestant (by tradition we wear orange by whimsy) on 17 March each year, and I have found it entertaining to see people’s expressions on the sight of it. Anyway, enough of that… I’d probably be zealous to seek out an orange tie-dye, had I closet space for one.

    Chuck Gray

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